
JavaScript in 2020

Should you learn JavaScript in 2020?

It’s always best practice to know what you are getting into before you dive right in. This is especially important in the complicated world of programming.

What is JavaScript?
There are so many programming languages out there with each having their strengths and weaknesses that it's difficult for a new developer to decide on one language. Unfortunately, I don't know many programming languages so I won't be able to guide you with that but I do know a fair bit of JavaScript and I'll give you some insights on that. If you are reading this post it’s quite likely you’re familiar with HTML and CSS. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript go together and form the crux of any website. The online definition of JavaScript is quite complicated so I won't scare you with that. But in short, JavaScript adds functionality to a website and lets users interact with the website. In the earlier days of JavaScript, it was used only for websites but now with the advent of various new technologies, it can be used to create complex web applications, mobile applications, desktop applications, and much more. It’s just one language you need to master to be able to build applications for different platforms.

JavaScript, often abbreviated as JS, is a programming language that conforms to the ECMAScript specification. JavaScript is high-level, often just-in-time compiled, and multi-paradigm. It has curly-bracket syntax, dynamic typing, prototype-based object-orientation, and first-class functions. - Wikipedia

So why JavaScript and not any other language?

Apart from being one of the Most Popular Programming Languages in the World for the last 8 years (as per a survey conducted by Stack Overflow) it is also one of the easiest to learn. This gives beginners or seasoned developers an advantage as when they come across a problem in their code, there is probably someone who came across the same problem and posted the solution online. Also, if they can’t find a solution there is no harm in asking and the community is quick to provide multiple solutions to that one problem.

So why JavaScript and not any other language?

Apart from being one of the Most Popular Programming Languages in the World for the last 8 years (as per a survey conducted by Stack Overflow) it is also one of the easiest to learn. This gives beginners or seasoned developers an advantage as when they come across a problem in their code, there is probably someone who came across the same problem and posted the solution online. Also, if they can’t find a solution there is no harm in asking and the community is quick to provide multiple solutions to that one problem.

The power of JavaScript

Are you looking to build web apps, mobile apps, desktop apps, etc. with some cool graphics. JavaScript can do it all for you. Everything seems exciting but don't get too ahead of yourself. To do all this you need to master various JavaScript ‘Libraries’ or ‘Frameworks’ to be more specific. These frameworks are easy to learn as long as you master JavaScript in and out. I’ll let you know how you can go about mastering JavaScript but before that have a look at the various Libraries and Frameworks available at your disposal. To know the difference between a library or framework check this article by Brandon Wozniewicz on FreeCodeCamp. These aren’t all of them but these are the most popular ones. (Not in any specific order)

Website Development:
Mobile App Development:
Desktop App Development:
Game Development:
Machine Learning:
Digital Media:
So what next?

If you choose to go down the path of a JavaScript developer in the year 2020 it’s necessary that your master the fundamentals of the language or better said you need to learn ‘Vanilla JavaScript’. Vanilla JavaScript is simply plain JavaScript that doesn’t include the use of any libraries or frameworks. Just like studying any other programming language, you must build a strong foundation. Yes, studying a particular Framework will help you land a job but not knowing the basics will land you in a soup at that job. So I’ll cut to the chase and provide you with certain steps you can follow on your way to becoming a JavaScript developer.

Step 1:
Try some free courses
Let’s say after a few weeks if you like what you are doing, it's time to take the next step.

Step 2:
Buy a few books

Books I’d recommend:

Initially, you may find these books outdated but they are really helpful as they help you understand certain fundamental concepts. JavaScript like many other programming languages is constantly evolving but the fundamental concepts of every language remain the same.

Step 3:
Invest in an online course

My recommendation would be:

I have completed this course myself and it is good. The instructor Jonas teaches well and takes you through the fundamental topics in a simple manner.

Step 4:
Follow popular YouTube channels

YouTube Channels every developer should subscribe to:

There are many more channels you could subscribe to but these are my favourite and you should have them on your list too.

Step 5:
Practice, practice, practice!

Even after you start with steps 1-4 you may feel like you don’t know much. Maybe you understand what is written in the books or what is taught but you just can’t solve problems on your own. Maybe you need to refer back to certain things you learnt or search for some issues online. Let me tell you, ‘That’s absolutely okay!’. No one remembers everything and it's absolutely okay if you search online for solutions and ask for solutions. The community is vast and really helpful.

Final Verdict:
Follow popular YouTube channels

Go ahead, dive right in, JavaScript is something you should definitely study even in 2020. However, it may not be enough to land a job as you would need to start working on a framework as well when you feel confident with JavaScript. But based on the current trends I would definitely recommend you'll study JavaScript. And if you are still unsure, let me give you one final push into the amazing world of JavaScript. Do you know what Netflix, Uber, LinkedIn, Facebook and Paypal have in common? Yes, they all use JavaScript. So let me ask you this, if these companies decided to put their faith in JavaScript to build their products, would it be wrong for you to invest your time in it too?

I think everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer because it teaches you how to think.

Steve Jobs